Little America Hotel, Flagstaff and 9/11

Tuesday 11th September 2012, Little America Hotel, Flagstaff.

This morning all the Arizona TV news stations had stories about the 9/11 plane crashes. 6.03 Arizona time on September 11th 2001 the second of 2 planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Both towers were bought down within minutes of each other. The world was shaken, most people remember where they were when this dreadful thing happened. At first people thought the one plane was a genuine accident but a few minutes later as the second plane hit the other tower from a different direction the horrid truth dawned. It was a terrorist attack! Then a third plane hit the Pentagon and America was at war. Today Ground Zero held a memorial, lest we forget! Many of the survivors of that day attended and the victims family were also there to pay their respects. Families of the victims, whether first response workers or office workers in the towers or the passengers of the planes came together to mourn their loss.
At 8am Wednesday 12th September we left Doubletree Hotel, Durango got into the coach and crossed the road heading for the Durango Railway Station, opposite the Hotel. It would have been difficult to take us all across the road together. We left our cases and hand luggage on the bus (which was following us via the road) and boarded the Silverton Steam Train. Here we stayed for a few hours travelling up towards Silverton though the mountains hugging the side of the River Animas as it wound down towards Durango.  Pauline 

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